New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric#

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric#

by April light rain

4.7 (1)







In Chinese folklore, eating "dumplings" on New Year's Eve is an important feast that cannot be replaced by any delicacy of mountains and seafood. #日食记姜老刀同款#

The choice of dumpling fillings has a direct relationship with the meaning. The most common leek filling means long-term wealth, because long time means long time and long-term wealth. "


New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric#

1. Wow~ the best choice for New Year’s Eve dinner, "Jiu Cai San Xian Steamed Dumplings", it is delicious.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

2. Prepare the ingredients: 150g flour, 79ml water, 4 shrimps, 1 piece of egg, 30 leeks.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

3. Wash the leek and cut into small cubes. Peel the shrimp and cut the shrimp intestine into small sections.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

4. Put the diced leeks and eggs into the container, add oil, chicken essence, salt and thirteen spices and mix well.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

5. Mix flour with purified water and knead into a smooth dough.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

6. Knead the dough into strips as shown in the figure.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

7. Sprinkle a little hand powder on the countertop, divide the dough into several small portions, and place them on the countertop. The small portion of the dough has been squashed with the palm of your hand and set aside.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

8. Take a dough pad and roll it into thin dough on both sides and thick in the middle.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

9. Fill the dough with stuffing, not too much.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

10. Put in the shrimp section.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

11. Press along the edge to the other side to pinch the dough.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

12. The made dumplings are shown in the picture.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

13. The yard is placed on the countertop.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

14. Put the wrapped dumplings in the baking tray and put them in the ACA steamer ATO-ES25A.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

15. Choose 100 degrees and steam for about 12 minutes.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

16. The steam is sufficient, and the fragrance has been smelled in about 5 minutes.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

17. The fragrant dumplings are out, so full and moist.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

18. Sanxian steamed dumplings are the best choice for New Year's Eve dinner.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

19. A bite is moist and juicy, super delicious.

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe

20. The fresh prawns retain the delicious taste, and the heat of the leeks is just right...

New Year’s Eve Dinner-jiucai Sanxian Steamed Dumplings#aca North America Electric# recipe


1. Knead the dough evenly and make it as soft as the earlobe.
2. The filling part can be adjusted according to your own taste, and the one that suits your family is the best.
3. If there is no steaming oven, you can choose a steamer to steam the same time.


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