Poached Pork Slices

Poached Pork Slices

by Elk Fawn 233

4.9 (1)







Fast food, delicious and delicious


Poached Pork Slices

1. Wash the lettuce, add cornstarch and a small amount of chicken essence to the meat, put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, smash the garlic into a bowl, and cut the bean paste and chopped green onion for later use

Poached Pork Slices recipe

2. In a hot pot, put the bean paste and 1/3 of the chopped garlic in a bowl and sauté until fragrant.

Poached Pork Slices recipe

3. Add 1 cup of water (my cup is about 300 ml), add half a spoon of chicken bouillon and sugar and wait for the soup to boil

Poached Pork Slices recipe

4. Blanch the lettuce

Poached Pork Slices recipe

5. Remove the blanched lettuce and place it on the bottom of the bowl

Poached Pork Slices recipe

6. Boil the meat slices in the pot, do not cook for too long, the meat slices will get old, about 15 minutes

Poached Pork Slices recipe

7. Da Da Da, pour the cooked meat slices into the bowl of lettuce pad

Poached Pork Slices recipe

8. Sprinkle garlic, chili noodles, chopped chili, and pepper on the pork slices

Poached Pork Slices recipe

9. Pour the oil into the pan and let the oil heat up and pour it on the meat

Poached Pork Slices recipe

10. After pouring the hot oil, sprinkle with chopped green onion, the delicious boiled pork slices are complete

Poached Pork Slices recipe


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