Pork Fennel Pie

Pork Fennel Pie

by The moonlight in the lotus pond is hazy (from Tencent.)

4.6 (1)







Taste the meat filling and add fennel to stir it will not make the soup easily


Pork Fennel Pie

1. Gradually add water to the flour and form a slightly soft dough, let it stand for 20 minutes

Pork Fennel Pie recipe

2. Wash the fennel to control the moisture

Pork Fennel Pie recipe

3. Hand minced meat

Pork Fennel Pie recipe

4. Add the meat filling to all the seasonings and stir well, then add the fennel and stir

Pork Fennel Pie recipe

5. Roll the dough into a thick dough with thin edges in the middle

Pork Fennel Pie recipe

6. Squeeze tightly like a bun

Pork Fennel Pie recipe

7. Brush the base oil on the electric baking pan and press the dough flat

Pork Fennel Pie recipe

8. The upper and lower plates are heated for 6 minutes at the same time.

Pork Fennel Pie recipe


Taste the meat filling and add fennel to stir it will not make the soup easily


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