Scented Dumplings

Scented Dumplings

by Epoch Jamie 3511912325

4.8 (1)







Fennel vegetable is rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, carotene, and cellulose. It is fennel oil that causes it to have a special spicy smell, which can stimulate the nerves and blood vessels of the stomach and intestines, and has the effect of strengthening the stomach and regulating qi, so it is a combination An excellent vegetable for meat and fat. Because meat incense has a weird fragrance, making dumplings is full of fragrance!


Scented Dumplings

1. Prepare the pork filling, add ginger, cooking wine thirteen incense, chicken sauce, soy sauce to consume oil, and stir evenly with salt.

Scented Dumplings recipe

2. Fungus soaked and reserved

Scented Dumplings recipe

3. Mince the fungus and meat fragrant into the pork filling, add an appropriate amount of peanut oil and mix into the filling.

Scented Dumplings recipe

4. Stuffing made up

Scented Dumplings recipe

5. Wake up with cold water and noodles for about 1 hour.

Scented Dumplings recipe

6. Divide the dough into several pieces

Scented Dumplings recipe

7. Roll the skin

Scented Dumplings recipe

8. Stuffing

Scented Dumplings recipe

9. Put the raw dumplings in the box

Scented Dumplings recipe

10. Boil in water and open into the raw dumplings to be cooked

Scented Dumplings recipe

11. Put the dumplings on the plate, the dumplings are full of flavor.

Scented Dumplings recipe


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