

by tgcyy

4.7 (1)







Zi rolls, Shaanxi snacks, fillings as you like, can be meat and vegetables, but I think fans and leeks are indispensable. Just out of the pot, the sizzling hot rolls are dipped in hot and sour sauces. Take a bite. It's so awkward and beautiful!



1. Add the flour and warm water to form a smooth and hard dough, and wake up for 30 minutes.

Shimaki recipe

2. The vermicelli is soaked in cold water and chopped.

Shimaki recipe

3. Mix salt, minced pork, carrots, chives, salt, eggs, five-spice powder, minced ginger, minced green onions, and sesame oil.

Shimaki recipe

4. Roll out the awake dough into large slices, the thinner the better, and put the fillings.

Shimaki recipe

5. Dig a hole in the middle of the dough, roll it outwards from the middle, and close the mouth downwards, and the roll is ready.

Shimaki recipe

6. Cut into sections, boil the steam in the steamer and steam for about 10 minutes.

Shimaki recipe

7. Put vinegar, light soy sauce, chili seeds, sesame oil, chopped chives in a small bowl, and mix well to form a dipping sauce.

Shimaki recipe

8. Shimaki is steamed.

Shimaki recipe

9. Put the steamed zucchini rolls on a plate, pour in the sauce or cut into small dipping sauces to eat!

Shimaki recipe


Add an egg to the filling to make the filling more tender.
The vermicelli does not need to be soaked for too long, just soak it softly and chop it up. The next step is to steam it, so you don't have to worry about it being cooked.


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