Slimming Essential Fruit, Vegetable and Chicken Salad

Slimming Essential Fruit, Vegetable and Chicken Salad

by Grace small kitchen

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On the road of trying to lose weight, in addition to proper exercise, a good diet is also very important. The diet must be balanced, eat small meals and eat some high-quality nutrients. Just like if vegetable and chicken salad, in addition to nutrition, taste is also very important. "


Slimming Essential Fruit, Vegetable and Chicken Salad

1. Prepare all ingredients

Slimming Essential Fruit, Vegetable and Chicken Salad recipe

2. Wash the chicken breast, cut into pieces, and marinate with salt and pepper for half an hour

Slimming Essential Fruit, Vegetable and Chicken Salad recipe

3. The chicken breasts are grilled in a steam oven at 220 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes

Slimming Essential Fruit, Vegetable and Chicken Salad recipe

4. Tear the roasted chicken into shredded chicken by hand, peel off the lemon and orange, shred the lettuce, and dice the carrot into a bowl.

Slimming Essential Fruit, Vegetable and Chicken Salad recipe

5. Pour soy sauce, olive oil, sugar, and stir well

Slimming Essential Fruit, Vegetable and Chicken Salad recipe


1. The chicken breast itself is very firewood, so the seasoning and side dishes are very important
2. It is also pretty good with a glass of orange juice


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