Spicy Seafood

Spicy Seafood

by Guo Lei_JXzFsM

4.8 (1)







Spicy seafood temptation"


Spicy Seafood

1. Scallion, ginger, garlic, dried chili, Chinese pepper, sesame pepper and saute until fragrant

Spicy Seafood recipe

2. Add in Pixian Douban, red jiujiu, light soy sauce, light soy sauce, stir fry

Spicy Seafood recipe

3. Put in the seafood that has been blanched in advance (open the back and remove the live shrimp, remove the shrimp gun)

Spicy Seafood recipe

4. Mix with water and add fungi, bean sprouts and other dishes that are not easy to cook

Spicy Seafood recipe

5. Add well-cooked vegetables and add appropriate salt! You can taste the soup, but less, the seasoning is salty

Spicy Seafood recipe

6. Add monosodium glutamate and chicken bouillon, sprinkle with parsley and parsley! Out of the pot

Spicy Seafood recipe


Meat, seafood, and vegetables can all be replaced with your favorite! The soy sauce must be shallow, Luhua, the taste is very fresh, it is also OK if you don’t have it.


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