Steamed Lo Noodles

Steamed Lo Noodles

by Gourmet food with heart to make delicious food with heart

4.8 (1)







The noodles are soft and glutinous"


Steamed Lo Noodles

1. Cut the pork belly into small pieces, cut the long beans into small pieces, and wash the soybean sprouts

Steamed Lo Noodles recipe

2. Put the noodles in a steamer, put in cold water, and steam for ten minutes after the water is boiled

Steamed Lo Noodles recipe

3. Put a little oil in the wok, put the pork belly, stir out the oil, medium heat

Steamed Lo Noodles recipe

4. After the oil is out, add star anise, sauté fragrant, then add the beans, five-spice powder, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and stir-fry well, then add water and boil

Steamed Lo Noodles recipe

5. After the beans are boiled and softened, add soybean sprouts

Steamed Lo Noodles recipe

6. After boiling again, put the steamed noodles into the pot and mix quickly

Steamed Lo Noodles recipe

7. If there is too much water in the pot, simmer on medium heat

Steamed Lo Noodles recipe


If you don’t want to steam the noodles yourself, just buy the steamed noodles


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