Stuffed Meat with Tiger Skin and Green Peppers

Stuffed Meat with Tiger Skin and Green Peppers

by Fanty (from Tencent.)

4.8 (1)







When I used to work, the company had a small canteen. Under the banner of serving employees, the dishes did not change for thousands of years. Meat dishes would always require a few strokes of chopsticks to find the sinking diced meat.

However, the kitchen masters also tried their best to make carnivores like vegetarian dishes. The "tiger skin pepper" in the picture above is one of the standing ones. Even if there is no meat, it is enough for dinner. Just a green pepper. I can pick up two bowls of rice, and I don’t have to mention the meat with the chef.

Every time I order this dish, I only need one, because I can eat a bowl of rice with just one bite (*/ω\*). Seeing the little friends next to each other one after another, and looking for the chef to add food, I admire it from the bottom of my heart.

For an authentic Cantonese from Chaoshan, can I say that peppers did not appear in my kitchen before (*/ω\*), but now there are, because peppers are so exciting, I like them very much, but they can bear them The spiciness needs to be improved.

For the "tiger skin green pepper", every time it is so spicy that it sheds tears, I can come again and I am still eager to try it. However, recently I discovered another method of green pepper, which is a bit spicy and not very spicy. It is simply prepared for people like me, and it can meet the needs of "carnivorous animals", so I immediately shared it with my friends.

Simple, fast, delicious, and served with rice, this is all accounted for, once you bite it, it will burst juice ↓↓↓
I have tried all the mistakes before presenting the deliciousness to you. It's up to you to do it or not~~

WeChat public account: Get a good meal and know it: fanty


Stuffed Meat with Tiger Skin and Green Peppers

1. Wash the shiitake mushrooms and soak your hair.

▶Wash the shiitake mushrooms after a little soaking, and then add water to soak. This shiitake mushroom water can be used to stir the meat.

Stuffed Meat with Tiger Skin and Green Peppers recipe

2. Cut the pork leg into small pieces and chop it into fine fillings.

Stuffed Meat with Tiger Skin and Green Peppers recipe

3. Wash ginger, green onion, garlic, mince mince, add meat, add half a spoon of salt, a little sugar, 1 porcelain spoon of light soy sauce, half a porcelain spoon of oyster sauce, a little thirteen incense, and stir in one direction.

Stuffed Meat with Tiger Skin and Green Peppers recipe

4. Cut the soaked shiitake mushrooms into small pieces, add the meat, and then add a little cooking oil and mix well.

▶If the pork leg is lean meat, add a little cooking oil to coat the meat filling and make the final taste tender and smooth.

Stuffed Meat with Tiger Skin and Green Peppers recipe

5. Finally, add two porcelain spoons of shiitake mushroom water in two times, stir until the water is absorbed, and then add another spoon. The meat filling will retain moisture and be sticky.

▶Some friends will say that it is not strong when stirring the meat filling. In fact, this has a lot to do with the freshness of the pork. Fresh pork tends to be strong, while the meat that has been dampened or frozen for a long time is more difficult. So try to buy fresh ones.

▶If you can't buy fresh meat, add egg whites and a little starch, which will also help improve the taste.

Stuffed Meat with Tiger Skin and Green Peppers recipe

6. Remove the stem and cut the green pepper into two pieces, then use a spoon to remove the fascia and pepper seeds and wash them.

▶Don't remove the seeds with bare hands, it will be hot.

Stuffed Meat with Tiger Skin and Green Peppers recipe

7. Then use chopsticks to stuff the meat into the green pepper. If you want to eat more meat, stuff it up, and if you want to eat less, stuff less.

Stuffed Meat with Tiger Skin and Green Peppers recipe

8. Put a little cooking oil in the wok and fry on low heat until the green peppers are wrinkled out of the wok, turning over continuously during the process.

Stuffed Meat with Tiger Skin and Green Peppers recipe

9. Then add ginger and minced garlic to fry until fragrant, add half a bowl of water, 1 porcelain spoon of light soy sauce, half a spoon of salt, a little sugar, add tiger skin and green pepper to cook, collect the juice and serve.

▶If there is extra meat, you can add it and stir fry and cook with water to make it more delicious.

Stuffed Meat with Tiger Skin and Green Peppers recipe

10. After placing the tiger-skin green pepper on the plate, drizzle the sauce on the bottom of the pot and enjoy it.

Stuffed Meat with Tiger Skin and Green Peppers recipe


In fact, "tiger skin green pepper" is a Sichuan dish, the official name is "tiger skin sharp pepper". It uses small long strips of sharp pepper, which has more spicy flavor. I will not be fortunate to accept this. Partners can try it by themselves.

Okay, foodies friends, you can start, next, it's up to you~~ Remember to cook two more bowls of rice.

The search for safe, reassuring, and delicious food is what you want to do and are practicing. If you are like me, welcome to join the team of “Feast and Gather”. This is Chaoshan Meizhi’s own food reserve, the wine and dishes are ready, just waiting for you~~


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