Super Popular Troop Hot Pot

Super Popular Troop Hot Pot

by Meatball girl food

4.8 (1)







The famous troop hot pot, Wanzimei ordered super super food this time, the last bite was full of sauce, and Shin Ramen with brushed cheese can hardly be loved anymore! The ingredients are plentiful and highly compelling~Compared to eating in the store, lazy weekends are more willing to do it yourself, clean, nutritious and healthy.


Super Popular Troop Hot Pot

1. First, adjust the sauce of the army hot pot. What you need is the seasoning pack of Shin Ramen, sugar, hot sauce and light soy sauce.

Super Popular Troop Hot Pot recipe

2. Add the spicy sauce, sugar, black pepper, and the seasoning packet of Shin Ramyun to the bowl

Super Popular Troop Hot Pot recipe

3. Add the light soy sauce and stir well and set aside

Super Popular Troop Hot Pot recipe

4. Chop the onion and set aside

Super Popular Troop Hot Pot recipe

5. Prepare cabbage and enoki mushrooms (you can also add side dishes according to your preference (`・ω・´))

Super Popular Troop Hot Pot recipe

6. Sliced ham

Super Popular Troop Hot Pot recipe

7. Sausages and other meatballs will be ready

Super Popular Troop Hot Pot recipe

8. Spread the bottom with onions, spread cabbage all around, and place other side dishes on top.

Super Popular Troop Hot Pot recipe

9. Put Korean kimchi in the center and pour the sauce made in the first step on the ingredients

Super Popular Troop Hot Pot recipe

10. Add water without any ingredients and boil on high heat

Super Popular Troop Hot Pot recipe

11. After boiling, add Shin Ramyun and spread a slice of cheese

Super Popular Troop Hot Pot recipe

12. When the hot pot boils again and the cheese melts, you can start! !

Super Popular Troop Hot Pot recipe


1. The secret of the delicious hot pot in the army is to put the seasoning package of Shin Ramen together.
2 If the nian gao is too hard, you can soak it in hot water in advance.
The 3nian gao is placed at the top to avoid sticking the pot.
4 For the cheese control, you must put a slice of cheese on top. The ramen has the creamy aroma of cheese, which is so delicious that there are no friends\(^o^)/~
5The side dishes can be selected according to your own taste. Of course, the taste and layer will be better if there are more types.
6I chose Shin Ramen because Shin Ramen won’t go bad easily, so don’t worry about it.


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