Sweet Potato Vermicelli with Celery Leaves

Sweet Potato Vermicelli with Celery Leaves

by Winter mood

4.6 (1)







Celery leaves are much more nutritious than celery stalks, so it can't be wasted. The smoothness of the vermicelli, the unique fragrance of celery leaves and the fragrance of sesame sauce make it a good side dish. "


Sweet Potato Vermicelli with Celery Leaves

1. Ingredients: sweet potato vermicelli (soaked and blanched in hot water), garlic cloves, celery leaves (boiled in 90% hot boiling water, cool water to remove the astringency).

Sweet Potato Vermicelli with Celery Leaves recipe

2. Cut celery leaves a few times and smash garlic.

Sweet Potato Vermicelli with Celery Leaves recipe

3. Add celery leaves and minced garlic to the vermicelli.

Sweet Potato Vermicelli with Celery Leaves recipe

4. Add salt, monosodium glutamate, light soy sauce, and vinegar, and mix well.

Sweet Potato Vermicelli with Celery Leaves recipe

5. Serve, drizzle with sesame sauce, sprinkle with small red peppers cut with an oblique knife and garnish.

Sweet Potato Vermicelli with Celery Leaves recipe


Choose tender celery leaves, which will taste better. When blanching, the water does not need to be boiled. As long as 90% of the heat is used, the celery leaves can be blanched. After being fished out, it is too cool to maintain the emerald green color and taste.


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