The Grains are Crispy-eggs and Broad Beans

The Grains are Crispy-eggs and Broad Beans

by Tiramisu

4.6 (1)







Broad bean contains calcium, zinc, manganese, phospholipids, etc., which are important components for regulating the brain and nerve tissues, and is rich in chostone, which has the effect of enhancing memory and brain strengthening. The calcium in broad beans is beneficial to the absorption and calcification of calcium by bones, and can promote the growth and development of human bones. Broad beans are rich in protein and contain no cholesterol, which can improve the nutritional value of food and prevent cardiovascular diseases. If you are dealing with an exam or a mental worker, eating fava beans properly may have some effect. The vitamin C in broad bean can delay arteriosclerosis, and the dietary fiber in broad bean hull can lower cholesterol and promote bowel movement. Modern people also believe that broad beans are also one of the anti-cancer foods, which have an effect on the prevention of bowel cancer. (From Baidu)

Broad beans can be eaten by the general population. Especially the elderly, students during exams, mental workers, people with constipation, and people with high cholesterol can eat more in moderation.
However, it should be noted that broad beans cannot be eaten raw and should not be consumed in excess at one time. And those with deficiency and cold in the middle Jiao should not eat it, and those who have had a fava bean allergy must not eat it again. In addition, broad beans must not be eaten with snails!

There are many ways to cook broad beans. They can be boiled, fried, fried, porridge or soup, and they taste very good.

Today, I will introduce a way of eating that I like. The broad beans made by this method are crispy and tempting, and they are delicious! "


The Grains are Crispy-eggs and Broad Beans

1. Peel off the shells of broad beans, wash them, and drain the water thoroughly.

The Grains are Crispy-eggs and Broad Beans recipe

2. Knock the eggs into a bowl and beat them evenly.

The Grains are Crispy-eggs and Broad Beans recipe

3. Finely chop green onions and ginger.

The Grains are Crispy-eggs and Broad Beans recipe

4. Put oil in the wok, the amount of oil is slightly more than the usual amount of cooking. Add the broad beans after the oil is slightly hot.

The Grains are Crispy-eggs and Broad Beans recipe

5. Stir-fry on high heat for two or three minutes, then add chopped green onion and ginger and stir fry.

The Grains are Crispy-eggs and Broad Beans recipe

6. Pour in the beaten egg mixture.

The Grains are Crispy-eggs and Broad Beans recipe

7. When the egg liquid has solidified, turn it with a spatula to prevent the egg liquid from sticking to the pan.

The Grains are Crispy-eggs and Broad Beans recipe

8. Add appropriate amount of thirteen incense and stir well.

The Grains are Crispy-eggs and Broad Beans recipe

9. Add a small amount of light soy sauce.

The Grains are Crispy-eggs and Broad Beans recipe

10. Add appropriate amount of salt and stir well, then turn off the heat and serve.

The Grains are Crispy-eggs and Broad Beans recipe


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