Three Fresh Soaked Fungus and Beans

Three Fresh Soaked Fungus and Beans

by Night blossom

4.8 (1)







The fungus clears the lungs. There is a father-in-law with advanced lung cancer in the family. I hope he can stay


Three Fresh Soaked Fungus and Beans

1. Slice the fungus, slice the carrot, soak the beans in two, and blanch the carrots in boiling water at the same time

Three Fresh Soaked Fungus and Beans recipe

2. Minced meat

Three Fresh Soaked Fungus and Beans recipe

3. Stir-fry minced pork with chopped green onion and garlic

Three Fresh Soaked Fungus and Beans recipe

4. Stir-fry the fungus and carrots when they are out of the pan, add the beans and stir-fry for a minute.

Three Fresh Soaked Fungus and Beans recipe

5. Out of the pot

Three Fresh Soaked Fungus and Beans recipe


Carrots are better when they are blanched, but don’t cook too much.


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