Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles

by Zero Zero Baking

4.7 (1)







I used to have a bowl of hot dry noodles for breakfast every day when I went to school. It was not only delicious, but also very full.
It’s not so easy to want to eat after working outside. Sometimes you can find it in the snack street occasionally. Every time you find it, you will have a bowl of taste no matter what the taste is. The taste is not much, after all, it’s not in Wuhan, remember. Once it’s very rare to find a delicious food in the snack street near the company, so I go there every day to eat, and the company’s friends are motivated. The friends who go early will bring them back for everyone, but they will be late. The rhythm of selling out, until one day the snack street was rectified, and our favorite hot dry noodles disappeared.
I don’t know if you can’t eat it. I really miss it. I had to study and make it myself. The noodles of hot-dry noodles are different from ordinary noodles. They are alkaline water noodles, so you can’t be lazy and use noodles. Make it yourself.
After making the noodles, you have to prepare sesame paste. Sesame paste is also an important ingredient of hot dry noodles, which directly determines whether it is delicious or not.
This recipe can be made into three small bowls.


Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles

1. Weigh flour, edible alkali, salt, and water into the basin

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe

2. Use chopsticks to make a flocculent

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe

3. Then knead it with your hands

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe

4. Then use the noodle press to press it into a sheet with 3 levels of thickness. This formula is suitable for the operation of the noodle machine. You need to add a proper amount of water by hand.

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe

5. And then pressed into noodles

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe

6. If the noodles are too long, cut them with scissors and cut them to the right length

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe

7. Bring the water in the pot to a boil, add the noodles and cook again until it is about to boil, bubbling around, turn off the heat, about a minute or two

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe

8. Wipe the countertop clean when cooking the noodles, pour a little salad oil into a small bowl, and use a brush to apply a thin layer of oil on the countertop

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe

9. After the noodles are cooked, drain the water. It does not matter if there is not too much water flowing down. If the noodles are drained, the time should not be too long.

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe

10. Then pour the noodles on the countertop and start brushing the oil

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe

11. Then use the chopsticks to dust the noodles, shaking them away continuously. When it is not hot, you can use both hands to operate it until the noodles are cool. After the noodles are cold, you can start boiling the noodles and making hot dry noodles. If you can't finish the meal At this time, you can put it in a fresh-keeping bag and put it in the refrigerator for one or two days. After the noodles are cooked and turned off, the action should be fast to prevent the noodles from sticking together

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe

12. Next, prepare hot dry noodles. Prepare the ingredients for hot dry noodles, light soy sauce, sesame sauce, vinegar, dried radish, capers (spicy dried radish is better, this kind of sweeter)

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe

13. Put the water in the pot and boil, add the noodles, and start to blanch the noodles. The noodles have been boiled before. Now it will be very hot. After the water is boiled, it will be almost the same. I like to cook it a little longer.

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe

14. Put the blanched noodles into a bowl, add sesame sauce, light soy sauce, and vinegar (the vinegar can be added as needed)

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe

15. If the color is not dark enough, add half a spoon of dark soy sauce. If you like spicy add a little chili oil, add capers, dried radish and chopped green onion, and mix well. Normally, start mixing when you add it, because it's easy to dry. If it’s too dry, add a little water to cook the noodles

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe

16. Wuhan hot dry noodles are mostly dried radish. If you don’t buy spicy dried radish, capers are also very delicious. I personally prefer capers. Introduce a simple method of capers. Boil the water and put the beans. Put it in, add the boiled water that has not used the beans and let it stand overnight. The next day, you can wash and fry and eat. If you like a little sour, put it for another day. This kind of beans is soaked, and there is no pickled capers. The kind is also delicious.

Wuhan Hot Dry Noodles recipe


1. Some sesame paste is too thick and hard to be mixed. It is best to buy a thinner one. If it is too hard, you can scoop it out and add some warm water and whipping in one direction. After whipping, add some sesame oil.
2. Brush the noodles quickly to prevent the noodles from sticking together
3. If you like spicy, add chili oil or chili sauce and mix it
4. The noodles must be put and mixed immediately, otherwise it will not be easy to mix, if it becomes a little lumpy after a long time, add some water for cooking the noodle


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