Yeast Scallion Pancakes

Yeast Scallion Pancakes

by Fable 7656

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Today I would like to share with you a scallion pancake for dough. This scallion pancake is rich in scallion, soft and easy to digest, and is more suitable for the elderly and children.

Yeast Scallion Pancakes

1. Mix flour and yeast powder evenly and knead it with warm water to form a soft dough, cover it with plastic wrap and proof it.

Yeast Scallion Pancakes recipe

2. Prepare the shortbread when proofing the dough: Put flour in a bowl, add an appropriate amount of five-spice powder and salt and mix well.

Yeast Scallion Pancakes recipe

3. Heat the oil until it smokes slightly, and pour it into the flour while it is hot.

Yeast Scallion Pancakes recipe

4. Stir it evenly while it is hot, and let it cool for use.

Yeast Scallion Pancakes recipe

5. Chopped shallots into minced shallots

Yeast Scallion Pancakes recipe

6. The dough is fermented to twice its size, and the fermentation is complete.

Yeast Scallion Pancakes recipe

7. Put the fermented dough on the chopping board and knead it evenly.

Yeast Scallion Pancakes recipe

8. Divide into small doses.

Yeast Scallion Pancakes recipe

9. Roll out the agent, spread the prepared shortbread, and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Yeast Scallion Pancakes recipe

10. Roll up from one end.

Yeast Scallion Pancakes recipe

11. Pinch both ends of the rolled up agent, twist it lightly in your hand, and put it on the chopping board upright.

Yeast Scallion Pancakes recipe

12. Roll into a pie, wake up for a few minutes

Yeast Scallion Pancakes recipe

13. Put the waking up pi into the baking pan.

Yeast Scallion Pancakes recipe

14. Bake until golden on both sides, and the pie is bulging and light.

Yeast Scallion Pancakes recipe




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