Beef Lotus Dumplings

Beef Lotus Dumplings

by The 4th Power of Family Fun

4.7 (1)







Tasty but dumplings are what the old man often brought to his lips. Whenever my mother said to improve our lives and asked us what we would like to eat, the old man would always say that we should make dumplings! My mother didn’t care about other people’s opinions and just listened to my dad. Although she would nag, she wouldn’t want to order anything else. She only eats dumplings, but she started preparing for making dumplings, buying meat and vegetables. , Chopped stuffing and chopped green onions, the house is very lively. When all the ingredients are ready, my father and I will be called to tell my father to make dumplings and direct me to roll the skins. My mother will cooperate with my father. Wrap it, and when a curtain of dumplings are wrapped, my mother will stand up and cook. This kind of thing happens every once in a while, the old man is happily lighting the dumplings, and the mother is also nagging to cooperate. Simple but so real, so warm. Perhaps under the influence of my grandfather, the child also loves to order dumplings. Ask the child what he wants to eat, and he will tell me, let's make dumplings. The noodles will be mixed, the fillings are plated, and the dumplings will be wrapped and put in the refrigerator. When the children come back, they will give them dumplings to eat. Today’s beef lotus vegetable dumplings are my father’s favorite recently. Because he is old, he has high blood sugar, thick blood fat, and high blood pressure. Various symptoms have come out. The doctor told him not to eat pork, so my mother made beef for him. Under the influence of the two elderly people, I also started to eat beef. On days like spring, eating more beef with lotus vegetables can also strengthen the body to resist colds. It’s a very good thing.


Beef Lotus Dumplings

1. 1. Stir beef stuffing, chop lotus vegetables, add salt

Beef Lotus Dumplings recipe

2. 2. Add five-spice powder, cooking wine and soy sauce

Beef Lotus Dumplings recipe

3. 3. Put a proper amount of water in a wok, add pepper, anise and cumin, boil, cool and pour into the beef lotus vegetable filling, stir while pour, and set aside after the filling is mixed.

Beef Lotus Dumplings recipe

4. 4. Put the flour and water in the bread machine, select the kneading program for 10 minutes

Beef Lotus Dumplings recipe

5. 5. Wake up for 15 minutes after taking out the mixed dough

Beef Lotus Dumplings recipe

6. 6, rub the long strip

Beef Lotus Dumplings recipe

7. 8. Take a potion and use a rolling pin to roll it into a round piece with a thickness in the middle and a thin circle around it.

Beef Lotus Dumplings recipe

8. 7, cut into small doses

Beef Lotus Dumplings recipe

9. 9. Scoop an appropriate amount of beef lotus vegetable filling in the middle of the dumpling skin

Beef Lotus Dumplings recipe

10. 10. Pinch out dumplings

Beef Lotus Dumplings recipe

11. 11. Sprinkle an appropriate amount of flour on the board, put the dumplings, add appropriate amount of water to the pot and boil the dumplings, add cold water each time, add three times and then open the dumplings.

Beef Lotus Dumplings recipe

12. Cook the platter

Beef Lotus Dumplings recipe


Beef is a very good health food for invigorating the spleen and regulating the qi. The lotus vegetable will be used to cool down the fire, and eating more will detoxify and detox. I believe you will also like this dumpling.


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