Braised Pork Noodles

Braised Pork Noodles

by Lin ℃ Cooking Rice Po

4.9 (1)







The braised pork with simple ingredients does not compromise the taste, and the hand-made noodles that have been patiently kneaded by myself are smooth and vigorous. Every time a family eats such a bowl of braised pork noodles, they can’t wait to eat it quickly. No food. "


Braised Pork Noodles

1. Make up the noodles 1 hour in advance, wake up for half an hour, then rub your palms non-stop, and then stand still.

Braised Pork Noodles recipe

2. Prepare all the ingredients, dice the onion, cook the two eggs and peel them, soak and dice the mushrooms, dice the small green peppers, cut the ginger and garlic, and chop the coriander. The minced pork will be finely ground and set aside.

Braised Pork Noodles recipe

3. Put the rock sugar in a frying pan and melt it over a small fire.

Braised Pork Noodles recipe

4. When the rock sugar melts, add the minced meat and stir fry for the sugar color

Braised Pork Noodles recipe

5. Then add shiitake mushrooms, onions, ginger slices, garlic and green onion and stir fry to create a fragrance.

Braised Pork Noodles recipe

6. Then put the right amount of light soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, sweet noodle sauce in turn

Braised Pork Noodles recipe

7. Put the eggs in enough water, bring to a boil on high heat, and simmer slowly on low heat. The simmering time is at least 1-1.5 hours.

Braised Pork Noodles recipe

8. While stewing the meat, remember to knead the noodles again, knead for a longer time, and then roll the noodles into noodles.

Braised Pork Noodles recipe

9. Boil a pot of water, boil the water, add a small amount of salt and cooking oil to boil underneath, pick up the cold water.

Braised Pork Noodles recipe

10. The meat is simmered until the soup is reduced by about half. If the soup is too much, turn on the high heat to collect the juice properly.

Braised Pork Noodles recipe

11. Add the noodles and small green peppers, stir fry for color, and finally sprinkle with coriander and chopped green onion.

Braised Pork Noodles recipe

12. Finished product

Braised Pork Noodles recipe

13. A simple bowl, you can have endless aftertastes after eating.

Braised Pork Noodles recipe


Pork can be diced or minced. The stewing time should be at least one hour. The soup should not be too dry. The noodles should also absorb some juice. The noodles can be more delicious when they are stirred in the soup. The noodles must be kneaded more , The noodles made in this way are stronger, not easy to break, and the noodles cooked in this way are more slippery.


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