Cute Mashed Potatoes

Cute Mashed Potatoes

by Zhenzhen Baby

4.9 (1)








Cute Mashed Potatoes

1. Peel and wash the potatoes and steam them in a steamer for 15 minutes. Steam them until the potatoes are soft and rotten. Take them out of the steamer and let cool. Be careful not to burn your hands!

Cute Mashed Potatoes recipe

2. After the potatoes are cool, place them on a cutting board and slowly crush them into a puree with a knife.

Cute Mashed Potatoes recipe

3. After the egg is cooked, peel off the skin and separate the egg white and yolk

Cute Mashed Potatoes recipe

4. Finely chop the egg white and mash the egg yolk into a puree

Cute Mashed Potatoes recipe

5. Cucumbers, carrots, shallots, sausages and chopped vegetables for later use

Cute Mashed Potatoes recipe

6. Is the mashed potatoes very delicate?

Cute Mashed Potatoes recipe

7. Put the prepared ingredients into the mashed potatoes

Cute Mashed Potatoes recipe

8. Add seasoning sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, bone broth and mix well to taste

Cute Mashed Potatoes recipe

9. Pick a few small leaves of the mint you planted yourself for decoration

Cute Mashed Potatoes recipe

10. The mashed potatoes are hand-rolled into a ball shape and placed on the potato chips for decoration.

Cute Mashed Potatoes recipe

11. It’s so cute to put the soaked mint flavor on the potato balls

Cute Mashed Potatoes recipe

12. What a vigorous little potato ball

Cute Mashed Potatoes recipe

13. Do you like the potato balls after makeup more!

Cute Mashed Potatoes recipe

14. Cute potato balls, you are my favorite!

Cute Mashed Potatoes recipe


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