Gluten Soup

Gluten Soup

by nishang

4.8 (1)








Gluten Soup

1. Mix the flour with cold water into a pattern and let stand for 40 minutes

Gluten Soup recipe

2. Cut all kinds of ingredients

Gluten Soup recipe

3. Soak the scallops with cooking wine

Gluten Soup recipe

4. Gouzi slices, tofu diced

Gluten Soup recipe

5. Put the stirred dough in cold water and knead it by hand until the surface is clear

Gluten Soup recipe

6. This is the water for washing gluten

Gluten Soup recipe

7. Put deep-fried tofu in the wok until golden, remove the bottom oil in the pan

Gluten Soup recipe

8. Stir-fried diced pork with scallion ginger and gourd, tofu skin

Gluten Soup recipe

9. Add a little water to a boil, put the washed gluten in the pot and stir quickly with chopsticks to form a strand of egg pattern

Gluten Soup recipe

10. Pour in the fried tofu, tear the scallops into puree, pour in, then pour in the gluten washing water

Gluten Soup recipe

11. Bring the eggs to a boil, add various seasonings

Gluten Soup recipe

12. it is done

Gluten Soup recipe


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