Pumpkin Sea Twine Steamed Dumplings, Have You Eaten Dumplings in Lidong Today?

Pumpkin Sea Twine Steamed Dumplings, Have You Eaten Dumplings in Lidong Today?

by Water pity

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We ushered in the first solar term of winter-"Lidong". In the Northeast, on such an important day, shouldn't you have dumplings to celebrate? In fact, in the Northeast, all solar terms are really eating dumplings. I just started with the Kantar GA steaming and grilling machine recently, let’s have a pumpkin and sea vegetables steamed dumplings made by seaside people!


Pumpkin Sea Twine Steamed Dumplings, Have You Eaten Dumplings in Lidong Today?

1. Put all the dough materials into the cook machine, break it into a piece of dough and wrap it in plastic wrap.

Pumpkin Sea Twine Steamed Dumplings, Have You Eaten Dumplings in Lidong Today? recipe

2. The meat stuffing is marinated a little with cooking wine, oyster sauce, and soy sauce.

Pumpkin Sea Twine Steamed Dumplings, Have You Eaten Dumplings in Lidong Today? recipe

3. Then add chopped green onion, sweet corn kernels, and diced carrots, mix well.

Pumpkin Sea Twine Steamed Dumplings, Have You Eaten Dumplings in Lidong Today? recipe

4. Then add the sea twine that has been washed and squeezed dry, and the sea twine should be cut with scissors.

Pumpkin Sea Twine Steamed Dumplings, Have You Eaten Dumplings in Lidong Today? recipe

5. Add a tablespoon of linseed oil and stir clockwise.

Pumpkin Sea Twine Steamed Dumplings, Have You Eaten Dumplings in Lidong Today? recipe

6. Take out the loose dough and knead it into a long strip.

Pumpkin Sea Twine Steamed Dumplings, Have You Eaten Dumplings in Lidong Today? recipe

7. Cut into small doses, squash, and roll into dumpling wrappers.

Pumpkin Sea Twine Steamed Dumplings, Have You Eaten Dumplings in Lidong Today? recipe

8. Put the fillings, fold in half and squeeze the dumplings. Put them into the steaming dish, leaving a gap between the dumplings.

Pumpkin Sea Twine Steamed Dumplings, Have You Eaten Dumplings in Lidong Today? recipe

9. Put in the preheated Kantar GA steaming and grilling machine and set the pure steaming mode to 100 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Pumpkin Sea Twine Steamed Dumplings, Have You Eaten Dumplings in Lidong Today? recipe


1. After the dough is made, it must be loose, so that the dough will be softer. I really don't know how to make dumpling wrappers by myself. You can buy some commercially available ones.
2. Make sure to leave a gap when placing dumplings.


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