Dried Roses recipes

Red Velvet Cheesecake

Low Powder, Mascarpone Cheese, Egg

Rock Sugar Tremella Soup

Tremella, Crystal Sugar, Barley

Rose Wine Stuffed Nest Egg

Fermented Rice, Quail Eggs, Dried Roses

Dry Baked Peanuts

Peanut, Dried Roses, Fine Salt

Beauty and Slimming~papaya Stew~

Papaya, Jujube, Dried Lily

Glutinous Rice Balls with Rose Stuffing

Glutinous Rice Flour, Corn Flour, Dried Roses

Mashed Potatoes Rose Cake

Potato, Sugar, Gelatin Powder

Soothing Liver and Beauty Health Drink-rose Vinegar

Dried Roses, Crystal Sugar, White Rice Vinegar

Super Simple Rose Crystal Cake

Dried Roses, Isinglass Powder, Granulated Sugar

Rose Glutinous Rice Lotus Root

Lotus Root, Dried Roses, Glutinous Rice

Rose Crystal Rice Dumplings

Sago, Dried Roses, Sugar Rose

Rose Ribs

Ribs, Dried Roses, Salt