Hand Cake recipes


Hand Cake, Dish

Durian Crisp

Durian, Hand Cake, Egg

Cumin Spicy Egg Ham Snack Cake

Cumin Spicy Sauce, Hand Cake, Egg

Finger Cake Hot Dog

Hand Cake, Hot Dog, Egg

Sausage and Egg Snack Cake

Hand Cake, Egg, Sausage

Banana Pie

Hand Cake, Banana

Red Bean Pastry

Hand Cake, Red Bean Paste

Chives and Egg Finger Cakes

Hand Cake, Egg, Chives

Simple Hand Cake

Hand Cake, Homemade Chicken Sausage, Egg

Apple Pie (lazy Version of Hand-held Pie)

Hand Cake, Apple, Eggs (for Surface Brushing With Egg Liquid)

Purple Potato Pie

Hand Cake, Purple Potato Filling

Hand Cake

Hand Cake, Ding Dong Po Hand Cake Sauce, Ketchup

Hand Cake

Hand Cake, Smooth, Egg

Hand Cake

Egg, Ham, Lettuce

Hand Cake

Egg, Ham, Lettuce