Canned Tuna recipes

Tuna Onigiri

Rice, Canned Tuna, Egg

Tuna Onigiri

Rice, Canned Tuna, Crushed Nori

Tuna Spicy Cabbage Fried Rice

Kimchi, Rice, Canned Tuna

Tuna Assorted Fried Rice

Leftover Rice, Canned Tuna, Egg

Tuna Kimchi Fried Rice

Kimchi, Rice, Egg

Tuna Onigiri

Rice, Dried Radish, Canned Tuna

Tuna and Laver Rice

Rice, Egg, Cucumber

Tuna Onigiri

Canned Tuna, Rice, Jin Dagen

Potato Salad that Makes You Feel Full

Small Potato, Canned Sweet Corn, Egg

Tuna Croissant

High-gluten Flour, Sugar, Salt

Tuna Pizza

High-gluten Flour, Yeast, Water

Tuna Quinoa Rice Balls

Rice, Glutinous Rice, Quinoa

Cold Pasta with Tuna

Macaroni, Cherry Tomato, Onion

Tuna Pork Floss Rice Ball

Rice, Canned Tuna, Pork Floss

Tuna Baked Rice

Rice, Sugrila Cheese, Canned Tuna

Rice Ball

Rice, Fried Beach, Sushi Vinegar