Saponified Rice recipes

Peach Gum Papaya

Papaya, Peach Gum, Saponified Rice

Peach Gum Soap Jiao Xue Yan Soup

Peach Gum, Saponified Rice, Snow Swallow

Saponified Rice Peach Gum

Peach Gum, Saponified Rice, Snow Ear

Peach Gum and Saponified Rice

Peach Gum, Saponified Rice, Brown Sugar

Peach Gum White Fungus Soup

Peach Gum, Tremella, Lily

Peach Gum and Soap Horn Rice Stewed with Milk

Peach Gum, Saponified Rice, Milk

Milk Peach Gum Soup

Tremella, Peach Gum, Saponified Rice

Peach Gum Soup

Peach Gum, Snow Swallow, Saponified Rice

Tremella Saponaria Peach Gum Syrup

Tremella, Saponified Rice, Peach Gum

Peach Gum and Saponified Rice Jelly

Pumpkin, Saponified Rice, Peach Gum

Tremella, Peach Gum, Soap Japonica, Rice and Wolfberry Syrup

Peach Gum, Fresh White Fungus, Saponified Rice

Tremella Saponaria Rice Peach Gum Sugar

Tremella, Peach Gum, Saponified Rice

Snow Swallow Saponin Rice Peach Gel Soup

Snow Swallow, Saponified Rice, Peach Gum

Saponaria Peach Milk

Saponified Rice, Pure Milk, Peach Gum

Soap Rice Mung Bean Barley Congee

Saponified Rice, Green Beans, Barley

Peach Gum Snow Swallow Saponin Rice Syrup

Peach Gum, Snow Swallow (snow Lotus Seed), Saponified Rice