Mustard Shortbread

Mustard Shortbread

by (Narnia)

4.6 (1)







I made a lot of puff pastry at home. After making a lot of puff pastry, there was still some puff pastry left. Using mustard pickles, I tried to make some mustard meat pies. After the new mustard shortbread was born, it was loved by the family. "


Mustard Shortbread

1. A piece of pork hind leg.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

2. The meat grinder grinds the meat.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

3. Soak the mustard tuber in water, taste it, and it won’t be salty.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

4. Minced meat grinder

Mustard Shortbread recipe

5. Add the chopped green onion and ginger

Mustard Shortbread recipe

6. Add the right amount of light soy sauce.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

7. Stir well

Mustard Shortbread recipe

8. Add water

Mustard Shortbread recipe

9. Add chicken essence

Mustard Shortbread recipe

10. Add five spice powder

Mustard Shortbread recipe

11. Stir well and set aside.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

12. A piece of shortbread noodles.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

13. Divide into 10 portions.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

14. Roll into a long piece and roll it up.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

15. Roll into a long piece and roll it up.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

16. Ready to use when rolled up.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

17. Turn 90 degrees.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

18. Roll into a long film

Mustard Shortbread recipe

19. Roll up.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

20. Roll up the finished product twice.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

21. Roll out a long film for the third time.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

22. Rolled finished product.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

23. Roll up.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

24. The finished product rolled three times, turn 90 degrees.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

25. Press into a round agent.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

26. Roll into a disc shape.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

27. Add the mustard filling.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

28. Pack it according to the steamed bun method.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

29. Wrapped shape.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

30. Close your mouth down.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

31. Put tin foil on the baking tray, and put the shortbread on the baking tray

Mustard Shortbread recipe

32. Take the egg yolks and beat them up.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

33. Apply egg yolk liquid.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

34. Apply and set aside.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

35. Sprinkle with black sesame seeds.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

36. Preheat the oven and put it in the middle of the oven at 200 degrees for 22 minutes.

Mustard Shortbread recipe

37. Finished picture

Mustard Shortbread recipe


Be careful not to break or expose the filling when filling the pie. The filling technique is very important. Rolling three times is to shorten the layer.


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