Oily Noodles

Oily Noodles

by Dawei Weishou

4.9 (1)







Did you fall in love with the oily noodles of Shaanxi after watching "White Deer Plain"? Make it at home, clean and delicious.


Oily Noodles

1. Add a little salt to the warm water and mix the noodles with this water. Knead the dough into a smooth dough, cover it with plastic wrap and leave it for 20 minutes.

Oily Noodles recipe

2. Roll the awake noodles into 5 mm thick noodles, and then cut into small pieces of the same width as shown in the figure.

Oily Noodles recipe

3. Spread every piece of dough evenly with utility oil and just apply a little.

Oily Noodles recipe

4. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and let it sit for an hour.

Oily Noodles recipe

5. The noodles that wake up are gently pulled into lasagna with your hands, slowly pulling piece by piece.

Oily Noodles recipe

6. Tear all the noodles into this kind of evenly thick noodles, boil water in a pot for later use.

Oily Noodles recipe

7. After the water in the pot is boiled, cook the noodles, and two boiling pots are enough.

Oily Noodles recipe

8. Cook the bean sprouts and rapeseed in water and set aside.

Oily Noodles recipe

9. Cut the bean curd into small strips, chop the green onion, garlic, and parsley.

Oily Noodles recipe

10. Put the noodles on the bottom of the bowl, spread the vegetables, mustard, chopped shallots, chili powder, allspice, MSG, vinegar, salt, soy sauce, and oyster sauce on the top.

Oily Noodles recipe

11. Heat oil in a pot, pour the oil in a bowl, mix well and serve.

Oily Noodles recipe


During the production process, the dough is coated with oil, covered with plastic wrap and left for one hour to make the dough more elastic. The noodles can be pulled thinner and longer in the later stage.


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