Chicken Essence recipes

Sliced Noodles with Seasonal Vegetables and Shrimp

Crab Mushroom, Cucumber, Dried Sea Prawns

Umami Mushroom Chicken Soup

Soup Minor Original Chicken Soup, Shiitake Mushrooms, Enoki Mushroom

Seasoned Vegetables

Bitter Gourd, Bell Pepper, Green Pepper

Steamed Rice Balls with Bacon and Seasonal Vegetables

Cooked Sausage, Cooked Rice Glutinous Rice, Corn

Ribs Braised Rice

Ribs, Rice, Carrot

Tomato Lump Soup

All-purpose Flour, Tomato, Egg

Chicken Noodle Soup

Noodles, Chicken Soup, Carrot Strips

Tomato Pimple Soup

Tomato, Flour, Egg

Pimple Soup

All-purpose Flour, Spinach, Carrot